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Models built using CMC Parts including CMC Cat Track, Girders and Circular Parts

Pictures of the models with some of the tools used to manufacture the parts

Brian Wilson's D8R Dozer Built with CMC Cat Track Brian Wilson's D8R Dozer Mid Build Keith Rhodes Twin Beam engine built with some CMC Girders
Peter Goddard's Chieftan Recovery Tank Keiths Double Fly boats made with some CMC Girders Ians Marble Run made using some CMC Girders
CMC 3.5 Punching tools 1 Elongated and 1 Single hole Forming tool for 3.5 143a CMC 3.5 triangle Punching tool
CMC 3.5 Punching tool Triple or single Punch CMC 167b Punching tool CMC Girder Punching tool